Sustainability - Warren House Hotel
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Warren House Hotel: Sustainability

Every small thing is a big step.

Bird 's Eye View

Warren House is a committed separator and recycler of all waste.  We recycle food waste, bottle waste, coffee waste, cardboard and mixed recycling which accounts for 89% of all of the waste we generate. 

We have a close working relationship with our main suppliers who prioritise the use of British or locally sourced produce, adhere to specific animal welfare standards, follow sustainable seafood policies, commit to ethical trade practices, and provide environmental and land management commitments. We are consistently striving to expand our plant-based and vegan menu, which not only supports our sustainable business practices but also aligns with the evolving preferences of consumers.

Behind The Scenes


Warren House has implemented a number of sustainability initiatives aimed at reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices. One such initiative is a sticker system in their hotels, where guests are asked to indicate which days they would like their towels changed. By doing this, the hotel is able to reduce the amount of towel cleaning, which in turn leads to a reduction in water usage and cleaning chemicals. The house also provides guests with water in glass bottles instead of plastic, which helps to reduce plastic waste.

In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and be more eco-friendly, we have implemented several practices in our daily routine. Every afternoon, starting from 1pm, we turn off the lights to save energy. After chefs complete their duties, they ensure that all plastic waste in the kitchen is collected and recycled properly.

Looking towards the future, we plan to utilise our garden to grow fruits and vegetables, which we can use in our own dishes, thereby reducing our reliance on buying packaged produce. To save on gas, we try to limit our use of personal vehicles whenever possible. In terms of products, we opt for eco-friendly, disposable items such as coffee cups, and make sure to recycle regularly. 


At our garden, we believe in organic practices and do not use any chemicals or chemical fertilisers to improve the soil. Instead, we use compost which is an organic way of enriching the soil. The mountain of leaves and branches we collect will turn into fertiliser in six months, which means we don’t need to use any chemicals to maintain our garden.

We also have a pond with plenty of tadpoles, and our gardener doesn’t touch the pond until they turn into frogs, which will help us control slugs and snails without using any harmful chemicals. We even have two ducks that visit us daily to help control the tadpole population. 

We have an area reserved for wildlife, filled with leaves, sticks, and other natural debris to create an ideal habitat for beetles and other small creatures. Our little fountain is regularly refilled with water to give the animals something to drink. 

We don’t waste anything and try to use everything we can. In the summertime, we let the garden weeds grow as they attract bees, which come to pollinate the flowers growing everywhere.

Food & Drinks

We take pride in creating fresh food on a daily basis, which is all made by us. In cases where we are unable to produce a particular item ourselves, we make sure to seek out local artisans who specialise in that area. By doing this, we not only support our local community, but also ensure that the food we serve is of the highest quality and freshness.

Additionally, we prioritise purchasing locally sourced produce and working with companies that comply with sustainable laws. These small changes in our lifestyle can have a big impact on the environment and we hope to inspire others to do the same.

We are committed to using meat that meets our strict criteria for quality and ethical standards. Whenever possible, we also opt for organic meat, further ensuring that our ingredients are of the highest quality. By choosing to support UK farms and promoting ethical practices, we aim to provide our customers with the best possible dining experience. The following are some of the many suppliers we work with:



Brakes has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. It offers eco-friendly products such as biodegradable food packaging, eco-friendly cleaning products, and sustainably sourced food and drink items. The company operates a zero-waste-to-landfill policy, recycles waste, and invests in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines. Additionally, Brakes works with local farmers and producers to source its products, reducing its carbon footprint through its supply chain. Overall, Brakes’ commitment to sustainability is reflected in its eco-friendly products, waste reduction initiatives, renewable energy sources, and support for local communities. By prioritising sustainability, Brakes is helping to reduce its environmental impact and promote a more sustainable foodservice industry.

Hatto & Son

Hatto and Son is a UK-based company that places a strong emphasis on quality and customer service. They work closely with their suppliers to maintain their high standards, and they offer reliable delivery services to customers throughout the UK. Hatto and Son also has an experienced team of chefs and food experts available to offer support and advice to customers.

They have implemented initiatives to improve their energy efficiency, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices throughout their supply chain. Examples of these initiatives include investing in energy-efficient equipment and vehicles, as well as recycling all cardboard and plastic waste.

Wright Brothers

The company acknowledges that sustainability is a continuous process and they regularly assess their sourcing and sustainability policy to ensure that they adhere to their high standards. They work with smaller boats on the coast that use sustainable catch methods such as pot-caught crab and line-caught wild sea bass, which is in accordance with the MSC Good Food Guide. They are also supporters of the Global Aquaculture Alliance and their Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification programme. Furthermore, they collaborate with experts in sustainability and responsible seafood sourcing to ensure that they meet their sustainability goals.

Severn & Wye Smokery

The company sources its fish from well-managed and sustainable fisheries, ensuring that it is not contributing to overfishing or damaging ecosystems. In addition, the company uses traditional, low-impact smoking methods that do not rely on fossil fuels or produce excessive waste.

The company also reduces waste and its carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and biomass boilers. They also work with local farmers and producers to reduce the distance food travels to reach customers. Additionally, the company has invested in a biomass-powered fish waste processor to turn fish waste into soil conditioner. Overall, their commitment to sustainability promotes a more sustainable food industry.

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